Writing with the Five Senses:
Sight, Smell, Sound, Touch, and Taste
is thinking made visible. If you do not think it, you cannot write it. Great
writers are great thinkers as well as voracious readers. They are detectives, paying close attention to details. They are
lawyers, collecting information and shaping it into a solid, defensible argument. Their hands are as steady and specific as
heart surgeons. And like a documentary photographer, they capture what is true—and make you believe the imaginary is
“Show me, don’t tell me.”
Every High School English Teacher
“Don’t tell me the moon is shining; show
me the glint of light on broken glass.”
Anton Chekhov
Good writing is supposed to evoke sensation in the reader—not the fact that it’s raining,
but the feel of being rained upon.”
E.L. Doctorow